How to: Monitor status of Elasticsearch - For Self-Hosted deployments

This guide is intended for customers running Yadle as Self-Hosted.

ElasticSearch Head is an extension for Google Chrome that will allow you to easily monitor the status of Yadle’s Elasticsearch service following an update or restart of the servers.

Depending on the number of File Channels created and the number of files in each, it can take a few minutes for Elasticsearch to fully initialize. During this initialization period, it is important to not create any new File Channels or make changes to existing ones. With ElasticSearch Head, you will be able to quickly know when initialization is completed.

In the event of an update to the Yadle servers or restart, here are the steps for you to verify the status of Elasticsearch in your Yadle environment:

  1. Open Google Chrome browser and launch ElasticSearch Head extension.

  2. Enter http://<Yadle hostname>:9200 in the top bar and click Connect.

  3. Once connected, at the top you will see “cluster health: yellow/red (X of Y)” highlighted in either yellow or red depending on status.

  4. Click on Refresh in the top right of the page to see the cluster health change as shards come online.

Some additional info about what else is presented on the page.

Each File Channel you have created will be represented by it’s unique ID and has n shards corresponding to it (0,1,2,3,4 as shown in above image). Yadle only runs a single node cluster of Elasticsearch, therefore the cluster health X value will only ever reach half of the Y value (# of shards). Therefore a yellow status indicates all is OK.